jordan News

Jordan to upgrade its GMLRS at 70 million USD
Weapon / Missile

Jordan to upgrade its GMLRS at 70 million USD

The State Department approved a possible FMS to Jordan of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) Alternate Warhead (AW) Unitary Rocket Pods.

Guess the Missing at Israel’s Blue Flag; Jordan
Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Bilateral Relations

Guess the Missing at Israel’s Blue Flag; Jordan

Eight countries attended the Blue Flag Aerial Exercise in Israel. United Arab Emirates Air Chief visited the drill, and eight others flew for the drill.

MKE; First Export with The New Name
Ammunition Investment

MKE; First Export with The New Name

The Machinery and Chemical Industry Institution is transformed to Mechanical and Chemical Industry Incorporated Company.

F-16 Air Combat Training Center for Jordan
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics Modernisation

F-16 Air Combat Training Center for Jordan

The U.S. State Department approved FMS to Jordan for an F-16 Air Combat Training Center and related equipment at an estimated cost of $60 million.

Land E/W Regional / Strategy Communication


The Electronics and Electro-Optics cluster of Jordan Investment Group (JIG), ASELSAN MIDDLE EAST PSC LTD (AME) attends to IDEX Expo in Abu Dhabi.