Küçükerman News

TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for Delivery
Navy / Maritime

TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for Delivery

TCG Yzb. Güngör Durmuş (A-574) auxiliary ship is expected to enter the Turkish Navy. TurDef learned that the vessel might be delivered soon.

STM Delivers Both the A-591 TCG UFUK and Logistic Support Vessel A-574 in November
Navy / Maritime

STM Delivers Both the A-591 TCG UFUK and Logistic Support Vessel A-574 in November

The 10th Naval Systems Seminar is held at Ankara Gar Hotel. STM, the leader of naval systems, has two vessels that are to be commissioned in November.