libya News

Turkish-Egyptian Relations Brings New Terms in the EEZ
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Turkish-Egyptian Relations Brings New Terms in the EEZ

Turkiye’s relations with Egypt improves. The new relations create room for new developments concerning the 28th Meridian and the EEZ at the Mediterranean Sea.

TB2 Bayraktar Armed UAVs to UAE
Ammunition Unmanned Systems

TB2 Bayraktar Armed UAVs to UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has acquired TB2 Bayraktar unmanned aerial systems from Turkiye. The process is carried out silently.

French General Staff Confused Turkish Vessel with Greek One
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

French General Staff Confused Turkish Vessel with Greek One

The FREMM FS Provence from the French Navy recently conducted Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) training with a Turkish frigate.

Turkey Opens a New Chapter with Israel And Egypt
Bilateral Relations

Turkey Opens a New Chapter with Israel And Egypt

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Turkey's relations with Israel and Egypt would gradually improve. He will appoint ambassadors to two countries.

Turkey and UAE Seek “Rapprochement” in the Middle East
Investment Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Turkey and UAE Seek “Rapprochement” in the Middle East

UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan plans to visit President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to end the ongoing regional rivalry in the Middle East.

Greece to issue  Visas for Libyans Soon
Bilateral Relations

Greece to issue Visas for Libyans Soon

The Greek Chargé d'Affaires stated that his country's embassy in Libya would soon begin issuing visas to Libyan nationals seeking entry into the country.

Demir Denies UN Report: KARGU-2 Does not Attack Autonomously
Air Ammunition Unmanned Systems

Demir Denies UN Report: KARGU-2 Does not Attack Autonomously

President of Defence Industries, Professor Ismail Demir, has denied the UN Report, claiming STM’s Kargu-2 drone to attack targets autonomously.

Egypt and Turkey Conclude Talks On Regional Issues
Bilateral Relations

Egypt and Turkey Conclude Talks On Regional Issues

After years of hostility, Egyptian and Turkish officials met Wednesday to reset ties between the two regional powers.

Egypt, Turkey officials, meet to revive relations
Bilateral Relations

Egypt, Turkey officials, meet to revive relations

Turkish diplomatic delegation visits Cairo on 5-6 May, Turkish Foreign Ministry formally announced after years of enmity.

Turkey to re-establish Ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Turkey to re-establish Ties with Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Kalın said talks between Egypt and Turkey to start next week, adding that both countries’ Intelligence chiefs and foreign ministers have been in contact.

Libya and Egypt to Launch a Maritime Line
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Libya and Egypt to Launch a Maritime Line

Two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding in energy, communication and labour fields.

Al Araby Tv: Egypt is in favour of the Agreement with Turkey
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Al Araby Tv: Egypt is in favour of the Agreement with Turkey

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs informed President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi about the advantages of an agreement with Turkey.

Another Round for Libya
Bilateral Relations

Another Round for Libya

Turkish Defence Ministry provided information about the latest developments in Libya. It stated that Defence Minister Hulusi Akar met yesterday with Abdulhamid Dbeibeh, Prime Minister of Libya Government of National Unity and Minister of Defence.

Greece’s Mysterious visit to Libya
Bilateral Relations

Greece’s Mysterious visit to Libya

Itamilradar, a website that tracks military flights over Italy and the Mediterranean Sea, caught a Greek visit to Libya.