maritime News

Biggest Navy Drill ever Begins
Navy / Maritime

Biggest Navy Drill ever Begins

Turkish Navy to conduct the biggest naval exercise in Eagan and Mediterranean Seas.

UK, France, “Cod War” Revived
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

UK, France, “Cod War” Revived

The Royal Navy has deployed HMS Severn and HMS Tamar to Jersey amid concerns of a possible island blockade by French boats. Boats will conduct “maritime security patrols”, according to the British Ministry of Defence. France has sent its patrol vessel to Jersey to “guarantee the safety” of people at sea and “accompany” French fishing vessels.

Egypt and Turkey Conclude Talks On Regional Issues
Bilateral Relations

Egypt and Turkey Conclude Talks On Regional Issues

After years of hostility, Egyptian and Turkish officials met Wednesday to reset ties between the two regional powers.

Egypt, Turkey officials, meet to revive relations
Bilateral Relations

Egypt, Turkey officials, meet to revive relations

Turkish diplomatic delegation visits Cairo on 5-6 May, Turkish Foreign Ministry formally announced after years of enmity.

Libya and Egypt to Launch a Maritime Line
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Libya and Egypt to Launch a Maritime Line

Two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding in energy, communication and labour fields.

Al Araby Tv: Egypt is in favour of the Agreement with Turkey
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Al Araby Tv: Egypt is in favour of the Agreement with Turkey

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs informed President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi about the advantages of an agreement with Turkey.

Second Meltem-3 at Blue Homeland
Navy / Maritime Air Modernisation

Second Meltem-3 at Blue Homeland

The second P-72 Maritime Patrol Aircraft was delivered to the naval forces within the scope of the P-72 MELTEM-3 Project.

Meltem at Turkish Maritime
Navy / Maritime Air Modernisation

Meltem at Turkish Maritime

Turkish Ministry of Defence announced that the Turkish Maritime Patrol Aircraft with tail number TCB 752 successfully performed the acceptance test flight.

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

US and Turkish Navy in the Black Sea

Turkish Defence Ministry announced from its official internet site that Turkish naval forces and US navy components conducted a passing exercise in the Black Sea.

Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile fired from Kınalıada Corvette
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile fired from Kınalıada Corvette

Roketsan released a video about the Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile, which was fired from a Kınalıada Corvette. The Atmaca hit and destroyed the target.

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet
Navy / Maritime Country Regional / Strategy

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet

Chief of the Russian Navy General Staff Alexander Vitko said that two more Project 22160 ships will be built for the Black Sea Fleet.