Menendez Defends Himself as Innocent

Menendez Defends Himself as Innocent

On Tuesday, New Jersey’s Senator Bob Menendez defended himself against federal charges of public corruption.

Menendez signed for Greek F-35s
Air Bilateral Relations

Menendez signed for Greek F-35s

Bob Menendez, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, stated that he supported Greece to acquire F-35.

U.S. lifts restrictions preventing sales of F-16s to Turkiye
Air Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

U.S. lifts restrictions preventing sales of F-16s to Turkiye

The House and Senate Armed Services Committees released the NDAA, to add $45 billion to the Biden administration’s initial budget request.

U.S. Congress signals the possibility for Turkey to acquire F-16
Air Bilateral Relations

U.S. Congress signals the possibility for Turkey to acquire F-16

US Congress changes its anti-Turkish position, US-based Defense News reports. Congress signals the possibility of selling F-16 fighters to Turkey following U.S. President Biden’s letter. The publication notes that lawmakers who pushed for Turkey’s removal from the F-35 program now follow different policies.