moon News

NASA Delays a Year First Crewed U.S. Moon Landing

NASA Delays a Year First Crewed U.S. Moon Landing

The second and third missions in the space agency’s Artemis programme, which aims to return Americans to the moon, were each about a year delayed.

Rover for NASA’s Artemis Project

Rover for NASA’s Artemis Project

NASA unveiled the new lunar rovers that astronauts will use to go around the moon; the Artemis project.

China Built an Artificial Moon Research Centre on Earth
Space Country

China Built an Artificial Moon Research Centre on Earth

China has built a research facility that simulates the low-gravity environment on the moon.

China Discovered Water on the Moon

China Discovered Water on the Moon

Chinese lunar probe Chang’E-5 discovered water on the moon according to scientific research published in “Science Advances”.

Airbus Wins ESA’s Moon Contract
Space Logistics Investment Defence Politics

Airbus Wins ESA’s Moon Contract

The European Space Agency (ESA) has signed a further contract with Airbus for the construction of three more European Service Modules (ESM) for Orion.