Niger News

Witness Unveils France’s Discreet Military Base in Benin
Bilateral Relations

Witness Unveils France’s Discreet Military Base in Benin

A Beninese soldier confirms that Benin hosts a French military base. The move contradicts the Beninese authorities, who officially denied the base’s existence.

Senegal Elections: France to Leave Former Colony in Africa
Country Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Senegal Elections: France to Leave Former Colony in Africa

Anti-Colonialist candidate in Senegal, Faye, announced its victory, which is another call for France to leave the former colony country in Africa.

New Activities in Africa Detected
Homeland Security

New Activities in Africa Detected

Former French colonies in Africa will likely experience new tension soon as terrorist groups Azawad and the Ansar join their forces.

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Temel Kotil confirmed the Hürkuş sale to Niger. President Erdoğan had mentioned the sale, but TUSAŞ had not provided any information about the sale.