ram News

HN Wanted So Badly but Money Talks for Armament
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

HN Wanted So Badly but Money Talks for Armament

France and Greece established a “strategic partnership” in defence where France would supply the air and naval platforms and armament. Greece believes that the acquisition of new frigates will shift the power balance to Greece in the Aegean Sea and East-Med. However, the Greek publication navaldefence.gr indicates that the Belharra-class frigates will lack what the Hellenic Navy (HN) wanted most.

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Defence Politics Modernisation

Egypt to acquire RAM Block 2

State Department approved a possible FMS to Egypt of Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM) Block 2 Tactical Missiles for an estimated cost of $197 million.