siper News

TCG Anadolu will have 50 or more A/UAV on board
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

TCG Anadolu will have 50 or more A/UAV on board

President of Defence Industries Professor İsmail Demir attended a Tv channel to explain recent improvements in the defence industry. Professor Demir stated that 50 or more Armed / UAVs would be deployed on TCG Anadolu multipurpose amphibious vessel. The vessel has just got the ensign flag hoisted recently before starting sea trials.

HİSAR -O with RF Seeker is On
Air Weapon / Missile Sensors

HİSAR -O with RF Seeker is On

HİSAR O+, the medium-range air defence missile system has gained a new capability thanks to ASELSAN’s RF seeker.

HİSAR O+ Passed the Final Acceptance Tests
Weapon / Missile

HİSAR O+ Passed the Final Acceptance Tests

The medium-range national air defence missile system HİSAR O+ has completed its acceptance activities and is ready for service with its components.

Hisar O + with IIR Seeker will be Delivered in 2022, According to Oktay

Hisar O + with IIR Seeker will be Delivered in 2022, According to Oktay

Vice President Fuat Oktay presented the 2022 budget of the Presidency and related institutions and organisations to the Planning and Budget Committee of Turkey's Grand National Assembly. Oktay remarked that the Turkish defence sector has seen a revolution and provided examples. He stated that the Turkish Armed Forces will get the medium-range air defence system (HSAR 0+) with IIR seeker in 2022. He also stated that the Sungur Portable Air Defence Missile System, Akya heavy class torpedo, small munition MAM-T, and Atmaca anti-ship missile would be delivered the next year. Oktay also stated that the National Vertical Launching System (MDAS) would undergo preliminary testing. The second Reis Class submarine will be towed into the dockyard. Next year, Turkish armoured vehicles will be provided with Turkish engines.

Test Fire from SİPER
Weapon / Missile

Test Fire from SİPER

Professor İsmail Demir announced that the firing test of the National Long-Range Air Defence Missile System SİPER (Trench) was carried out.

Demir: Exporting creates better allies
Country Regional / Strategy Defence Politics

Demir: Exporting creates better allies

President of Defence Industry Demir, shared the latest developments in defence industry projects on TRT Haber live broadcast on Monday.

Demir: New product is coming for before SİPER
Air Weapon / Missile

Demir: New product is coming for before SİPER

President of Defence Industries İsmail Demir said, “We are going towards SİPER step by step. We will go beyond SİPER.”