ssb News

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos
Investment Country Defence Politics Modernisation

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos

The Defence Industry Executive Committee, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, discussed new military systems for its armed forces.

Two More Anka to Protect Blue Homeland
Navy / Maritime Air Unmanned Systems

Two More Anka to Protect Blue Homeland

TUSAŞ has delivered two Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ANKA) Male Class to the Turkish Navy. The UAVs have extended-range flight capacity.

Siper Will be Vertically Launched
Air Weapon / Missile Investment Country Regional / Strategy Modernisation

Siper Will be Vertically Launched

President of SSB, Demir, gave details about Turkish air defence systems. Demir said that Siper will be vertically launched, and have ARH + IIR.

Turkish Falcons to Protect Skies More
Air Modernisation

Turkish Falcons to Protect Skies More

Turkish Air Force (TurAF) F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 30 aircraft will be in the blue skies more...

Deadly Indigenous Fish to Turkish Submarines
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Deadly Indigenous Fish to Turkish Submarines

Turkey has test-launched an indigenous heavy torpedo, Akya.