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A New Variant of MS-110 has been Tested, likely for Taiwan

A New Variant of MS-110 has been Tested, likely for Taiwan

Collins Aerospace has completed the first flight test of a new variant of its MS-110 Multispectral Airborne Reconnaissance system. The press release says the test was carried out for an undisclosed international customer, Taiwan, as the island had announced last year that it procured six MS-110 reconnaissance pods for its F-16 fleet.

The MS-110 enhances airborne reconnaissance mission capabilities by providing a more extended range and broader surveillance in contested and peacetime scenarios against peer and near-peer adversaries. The system’s imagery and multi-spectral capabilities detect targets even through poor weather/atmospheric conditions, which may be rapidly disseminated via high-bandwidth datalink and Collins’ ground intelligence-sharing architecture.

Collins Aerospace has deployed reconnaissance systems on tactical fast jet platforms such as the F-15 and F-16, as well as special mission ISR business jets. The system is also compatible with MALE UAVs such as the MQ-9. The MS-110 sensor is based on Collins Aerospace's proven multi-spectral imaging (MSI) expertise from the U-2's SYERS-2C and evolved from the highly successful DB-110 system.