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Akıncı UCAV Completed the First Release Test with KGK-SİHA-82

Akıncı UCAV Completed the First Release Test with KGK-SİHA-82

Baykar Company’s AKINCI UCAV completed an essential stage in the ammunition integration process. The UCAV released TUBITAK-SAGE’s KGK-SİHA-82 ammunition and hit the target.

AKINCI UCAV took off from Çorlu on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, with the KGK-SİHA-82 (KGK-Wing Assisted Guidance Kit/ SIHA Armed UAV) ammunition onboard. The UCAV flew from Çorlu to the Black Sea and released the KGK-SIHA-82 bomb. The wing-assisted 340 kg weighing bomb flew for 30 km and hit the target. The electro-optical camera on AKINCI and telemetry antennas on the ground confirmed that the target was hit with high precision.Baykar signed three export contracts for Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV. The UAV and ground systems are expected to be delivered periodically starting from 2023. The company reached its first export success in 2012, and in 2021 it exported 664 million dollars worth of Armed / UAV systems. The company generates more than 80 per cent of its revenues from exports.