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ASELSAN Unveiled YAKUD Project

ASELSAN Unveiled YAKUD Project

Turkish defence giant ASELSAN makes another step in space; it starts the YAKUD Project. According to ASELSAN’s statement on social media, ASELSAN aimed to apply its Air Defence Command Control design, radar, communication, simulation, mechanical design, algorithm design capabilities in the field of space. When the project is completed, Turkey will have its own Space Operations Command and Control Centre.. When the project is completed, Turkey will have its own Space Operations Command and Control Centre.

The YAKUD project is a space operations command control centre that will provide situational awareness in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Satellites are increasing every day, according to information on ASELSAN's website. Because LEO is used to receive data from the earth, dozens of countries regularly launch new satellites into these orbits. The significance of detecting satellites passing over Turkey and raising public awareness about the situation is growing daily. ASELSAN aims to define awareness of this traffic in space as near space situational awareness using real or near-real-time information.

Furthermore, previously launched satellites become "space junk" after their missions are completed. They create a problem that must be addressed. Detecting this space debris will be possible once near-space situational awareness is realised.

YAKUD will concentrate on near-space situational awareness and provide data to national space missions to detect and evaluate LEO orbiting satellites and space junk. Data from various data sources, observatories, telescopes, and other sensors will be combined within the project's scope, and an aerial space picture will be created.

Under the direction of the Turkish Space Agency, ASELSAN will also contribute to the National Space Program.