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Bites Become AR Technology Developer

Bites Become AR Technology Developer

ASELSAN companies BITES and ASELSAN SİVAS signed the protocol to develop national Augmented Reality (AR) glasses at the International Future Soldier Conference (IFSC). Bites have been dealing with AR as a content developer. ASELSAN Sivas is an electro-optic producer company. Two ASELSAN companies will join forces within the scope of the work supporting the "Future Soldier" concept. A joint effort will be made to develop an "intelligent augmented reality glasses prototype" for the needs of the security forces on the battlefield.

In the first phase of the project, glasses that can work with external sensors and cameras, have wide-angle (FoV), support 5G - LTE - Wi-Fi, are suitable for environmental conditions and can be used in military operations developed.

BITES will undertake augmented reality software development, and ASELSAN SİVAS will undertake the optical, electronic and optomechanical design and production responsibilities.

The first goal will be to eliminate foreign dependency on these products. Two companies, BİTES and ASELSAN SİVAS, will design a prototype product in line with the operational needs of the security forces. The knowledge will be carried out for the second phase, where the global market will be targeted.

All information will land on the soldier"s glasses

Augmented reality glasses are expected to be used more widely in various industries to ensure safety and efficiency. Significant growth is expected in this market. These products have recently become widespread in several fields such as automotive, health, and defence.

Bites Become AR Technology Developer

Wearable technologies have become important tools to identify threats and develop tactics against these threats in future battlefields. Thanks to the communication infrastructures developed by wearable sensors and smart glasses by the units participating in the operation, instant information sharing with friendly units and command centres are possible.

With the smart glasses to be used by the security forces, information such as the battlefield map, the location and health data of other units, information transmitted from the command centre, and threat elements in the direction can be accessed. Information that will help security forces make decisions within seconds can be presented with smart glasses without affecting the viewing angle.