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Congo Expansion from Turkey

Congo Expansion from Turkey
President of Defence Industries (SSB) Professor Ismail Demir announced from his personal social media account that he signed the Defence Industry Cooperation Agreement with Defence ministerGilbert Kabanda Kurhenga. Demir is in the delegation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who visits President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Felix Tshisekedi.Erdoğan met with President Tshisekedi for the third time in the last six months. Erdoğan wants to increase the level of trade to reach 250 million USD. According to him, the trade volume was 36,5 million USD in 2018.President Erdoğan will visit Guinea-Bissauand Senegal as part of his official visit to Africa. Defence Industry Cooperation Agreements were already signed by two countries.