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Czechia Donates T-72 tanks to Ukraine

Czechia Donates T-72 tanks to Ukraine

The Czech government began sending T-72 tanks and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles out of storage for transfer to Ukraine. Last week, the German government had approved a request from authorities in the Czech Republic to send ex-East German BMP-1s that they now own to Ukraine.

The head of the Lower House Committee on European Affairs at the Czech Parliament, MP Ondřej Beneši tweeted that deliveries of Czech BMPs and T-72 tanks to Ukraine are underway.

Czechia Donates T-72 tanks to Ukraine

The Czech Republic donated unmodernised Soviet-era T-72 tanks from its reserves. The Czech Army had approximately 90 tanks in storage but is currently using approximately 30 upgraded vehicles.

Czechia Donates T-72 tanks to Ukraine

Ukraine also received Czechoslovak-made infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1).

The Czech army had about 90 pieces in stock, and it actively operated only about 30 modernized machines.

Old Czechoslovak-made infantry fighting vehicles (BVP-1) also travelled to Ukraine. However, this is not a mediated delivery of 56 modern armoured vehicles (PbV-501), the export of which was approved by the German government last week.

Czechia Donates T-72 tanks to Ukraine

The Czechia has formerly made some donations to Ukraine and it was one of the few countries that could provide these tanks to Ukraine.