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Egypt to Launch Four Satellites for Scientific Research by 2022

Egypt to Launch Four Satellites for Scientific Research by 2022

CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency (EGSA) Mohamed El-Qossy recently announced that Egypt would launch four CubeSat satellites for remote sensing and scientific research next year.

According to El-Qossy, Egypt will send satellites as a part of the country’s strategy to localize and develop the peaceful use of space science and build space systems with pure Egyptian technology that contributes to preparing generations and scientific cadres that advance the country and support the Egyptian industry and bring it to global competition.

In a statement to the MENA News Agency, El-Qossy said that the Egyptian Space Agency’s “EgSAcube-3” satellite would be launched, designed entirely by the agency “EgSAcube-4” satellite, in cooperation with Benha University.

He added that the first satellite for Egyptian universities will be launched in the second half of 2022, in addition to the launch of the “NEXSAt” satellite, in cooperation with a German company, at the end of next year.