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Erdoğan to Meet Prince Edward to Develop Bilateral Ties

Erdoğan to Meet Prince Edward to Develop Bilateral Ties

Turkiye and the UK have been working to boost ties since Brexit. According to Bloomberg, a member of the British royal family, accompanied by Minister James Cleverly, will meet Turkish President Erdoğan. Cleverly is one the most senior UK ministers to visit Turkiye since the new government was formed in May. He held talks with Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Defence Minister Yaşar Güler in Ankara.

According to the news, In his meetings with Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan, Cleverly focused on expanding the scope of the free trade agreement and preliminary preparations for diversifying bilateral trade, which is approaching 20 billion dollars.

When Defence cooperation is considered, United Kingdom-based BAE Systems company provided development support to the National Combat Aircraft KAAN Program. Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) is the prime contractor. The company aspires to assist in the aircraft's mass production phase.

TUSAŞ KAAN Fighter Jet TurDef.jpg

The tender for KAAN's engine has not been concluded yet. In the tender, a trio of Kale Arge - Rolls-Royce, TRMotor, TUSAŞ Engine Industries (TEI) and a Ukrainian company made bids.

Turkiye shows interest in purchasing three Type 23 frigates used by the Royal Navy to replace some of its ageing ships.