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Germany Lifts Eurofighter Sales Opposition to Saudi Arabia

Germany Lifts Eurofighter Sales Opposition to Saudi Arabia

Baerbock spoke to reporters after meeting Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister Israel Katz in Jerusalem. She noted that Saudi Arabia supports Israel's security by intercepting missiles fired at the country by Yemen's Houthi rebels; Baerbock stated that "the German government will not stand anymore against the idea of the United Kingdom selling Eurofighters to Saudi Arabia."
She went on to say that "Saudi Arabia is a key contributor to Israel's security and is helping to stem the risk of a regional conflagration."

Annalena Baerbock israel President Isaac Herzog TurDefjpg
Baerbock emphasised that Riyadh has long been aware of the Houthis' threat to regional stability.
After the assassination of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul in 2018, Berlin banned all kinds of arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Chancellor Olaf Scholz had resisted demands to allow the supply of Eurofighters to Saudi Arabia. His coalition partner, the Greens, had vehemently opposed the measure, citing human rights concerns and Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Yemen conflict. 
The Eurofighter is a joint project of the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Spain. Hence, German clearance is required for fighter aircraft sales.
The Houthis have targeted vessels in the Southern Red Sea, threatening to strike all Israel-bound ships. It claims the attacks are to help Palestinians as they fight Israel's "aggression and siege" of Gaza.
The Red Sea is one of the world's most popular marine routes for crude oil and petroleum supplies.

The Houthis want to rule all of Yemen and help external forces opposing the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is conducting a battle against them.