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Görgün: Defence Industry Serves Political Independence

Görgün: Defence Industry Serves Political Independence

Speaking at the organisation held for the fifth time this year, the President of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB), Professor Haluk Görgün said, “Just as it is not possible to talk about economic power without industry, it is not possible to talk about economic and political independence without the Defence industry. The Defence industry is an important part of industrialisation and development as a whole,” Görgün continued: “As we have expressed on every platform, our biggest goal is to become a fully independent Turkiye in the Defence industry. We continue working non-stop to achieve this goal with our wide ecosystem. Turkiye, one of the important elements of the global balance of power, always supports peace and cooperation.”

ISO Chairman of the Board of Directors Erdal Bahçıvan and SAHA Istanbul, Chairman of the Board Haluk Bayraktar made their opening remarks at the organisation.

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A panel titled “The Place of Our Defence Industry in the World in the 100th Anniversary of our Republic” was also held in the organisation. Defence Ministry Deputy Minister Dr Celal Sami Tüfekçi monitored that panel where ROKETSAN General Manager Murat İkinci, BMC Chief Executive Officer Professor Murat Yalçıntaş, STM General Manager Özgür Güleryüz and SSB Vice President Professor İhsan Kaya took part as a speaker.