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HAVELSAN signed three new agreements in Malaysia

HAVELSAN signed three new agreements in Malaysia

Having participated in the 2023 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA 2023) expo in Malaysia on a large scale, HAVELSAN said in a statement, “We signed a cooperation agreement in the field of homeland security with Ventura company with the participation of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Anwar İbrahim. At the special meeting attended by Professor Hacı Ali Mantar, our Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Dr Mehmet Akif Nacar, our General Manager, we gave information about our technologies to Malaysian Prime Minister İbrahim.

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We signed an MOU with G7 Aerospace Sdn Bhd for cooperation in projects for the Malaysian Air Force. We signed an agreement for cooperation in the field of command control technologies, simulation systems and cyber security with the Malaysian National Defence University.
Stating that they expect a lot from the Southeast Asian region, our General Manager Nacar said, “Not only Malaysia but also Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries are our friends and allies with whom we can cooperate.” statements were included.