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Hürkuş is one step closer to CAS missions

Hürkuş is one step closer to CAS missions
Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) Experimental Test Pilot Murat Özpala announced from his Linkedin account that the integration and flight tests of the Countermeasure Release System (KTSS) for the Hürkuş aircraft had been successfully completed.

Hürkuş is one step closer to CAS missionsThe Countermeasure Release System developed by EHSiM Company provides self-protection against RF and IR-guided missiles through chaff and flare. Hürkuş is designed as a basic trainer and Close Air Support (CAS) aircraft.Hürkuş is one step closer to CAS missionsKTSS is a system that provides protection against RF & IR-guided missiles in a multi-threat environment. It enables the integrated use of Chaff, Flare and other smart ammunition with manual and/or other electronic warfare systems. KTSS is in use at all F-4E/2020, F-16 Block 30, 40 and 50 aircraft of the Air Force Command. The system was certified by Lockheed Martin Aero during the Peace Onyx-3 modernization.Hürkuş is one step closer to CAS missions