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İkinci: Roketsan Invests in Serial Production

İkinci: Roketsan Invests in Serial Production

İkinci answered the questions of the press members at the National Aviation Industry Workshop on “quality certification in production and supply processes” held by SAHA Istanbul National Aviation Industry Committee (SAHA MİHENK) at Teknopark Ankara.

While answering the question about the serial production contracts in the defence industry, especially in the missile and ammunition projects in Roketsan’s area of responsibility, Murat İkinci said that serial production contracts are coming gradually, but many of these products have already entered the serial production phase, and the products are in the inventory.

Stating that these products are produced domestically and nationally and made available for the use of the Turkish Armed Forces in line with the vision of the Defence Industry Agency, İkinci said:

“The overlapping of series contracts is about contracting the needs accumulated so far at one point and including them in the subsequent production processes. After these serial production contracts, we intend to use the products we have developed locally and nationally with new contracts, first in the service of our Armed Forces and then as export potential.

Questions like these come to mind: Is Roketsan’s production capacity organised at a level that can meet this? We have spent over 500 million dollars on production infrastructures in the last three years. We are ready for this. Roketsan can be serially produced at much higher levels. Our area of interest is not only the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces but also the fact that the world currently has considerable export potential in terms of ammunition. We aim to capture this and ensure the Turkish defence industry gains market share. In this sense, Roketsan stands out among the fastest-growing defence companies. In the next period, we will follow a much faster growth process together, focusing on exports.

İkinci said that they will make various launches in the coming period in line with the National Space Program targets and that they have reached the capacity to serial produce national missiles and ammunition at a very high level.

Emphasising that SAHA Istanbul has made serious efforts to develop the Turkish aviation and defence industry and reach a structure above world standards, İkinci said that SAHA MİHENK also makes efforts for the aviation and defence industry with its work in terms of quality and certification.

Stating that the workshop will improve existing standards and meet emerging needs with local and national solutions, İkinci stated that Roketsan also carries out the certification processes with national resources and aims to increase and expand these examples rapidly.

In response to questions about Roketsan’s work on space, Murat İkinci said there is considerable investment in space technologies worldwide, and that space comes first in future technology fields. İkinci, pointing out that Turkiye has implemented severe investments and projects in order not to be left behind in this race, said:

“We strive to bring Turkiye to the forefront among competing countries by using our local-national technology in the space race. Roketsan has been assigned to ensure our country’s independent access to space in this field. Using our technologies, Roketsan carries out all work on navigation systems, engine systems, the development of solid fuel-liquid fuel engines, and the advanced materials section that develops technology in some niche areas with its business partners.

Separating the space ecosystem from the aviation ecosystem is no longer possible. The two ecosystems are intertwined. Turkiye wants to take its success in the defence industry to the next level by targeting space technologies. As Roketsan, we will share our space-related studies and results in the future. We will launch probe rockets and our mini satellite launch system in the coming period.

These aim to bring our country to a stage where it can reach a commercialised satellite launch capability on its own within the developing space industry in the world. As Roketsan, we strive with all our strengths together with our business partners. Space is a race; Turkiye has to be in this race and cannot stay out of it. Turkiye continues its work on technology diligently.”