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India to supply Armenia with Arms

India to supply Armenia with Arms

According to the India-based Economic Times, India has signed a significant export order for missiles, rockets and ammunition to Armenia. Earlier this month, the government-to-government route was used to sign several contracts for supplying arms and ammunition to Armenia. 

While the contracts" values have not been disclosed, it is expected that weapons worth more than Rs 2,000 crore will be delivered to the country in the coming months. India has significantly increased weapons exports, including policy reforms and active government support to secure overseas orders.

According to ET, the order includes the first-ever export of the indigenous Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launchers, which are already in service with India. Under the bundled deal, India will also supply anti-tank rockets and a range of ammunition to Armenia.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) developed the missiles and private sector companies manufactured in India. The Army recently placed orders for six additional Pinaka regiments and testing long-range rockets.

India to supply Armenia with Arms

Under the bundled agreement, India will also supply Armenia with anti-tank rockets and ammunition. This isn"t the first-time weapon systems have been shipped to Armenia. In 2020, India defeated regional competitors to supply four Swathi radars to the country for an estimated Rs 350 crore.

India to supply Armenia with Arms

These radars, built to Indian Army specifications, track incoming artillery shells, mortars, and rockets and provide a pinpoint location of enemy launchers and positions. The radars have been used successfully on the borders of Pakistan and China.

India has been working hard to increase defence exports, with a target of Rs 35,000 crore in equipment sold abroad by 2025. Annual defence exports were close to Rs 13,000 crore last year, driven primarily by the private sector.