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Iran seeks to strengthen military ties with China

Iran seeks to strengthen military ties with China
As talks to resurrect Tehran's nuclear deal with world powers have stalled, closer cooperation would counter what the Iranian president has described as US unilateralism. "The cooperation of independent and like-minded powers is possible in confronting unilateralism and creating stability and order," Raisi said. "Especially in the current critical and tense situation," Wei said, "stronger ties between Iran and China will provide security."Wei also met with his Iranian counterpart, Gen. Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, and is said to have invited him and other Iranian military officials to visit China. Wei stated that his visit was intended to "improve strategic defence cooperation" between Iran and China, which he claims will have a "remarkable" impact on defusing unilateralism and combating terrorism. In recent years, Iran and China have strengthened their military ties, with their navies visiting each other's ports and conducting joint naval drills in the Indian Ocean. Iran and China signed a 25-year strategic cooperation agreement in 2021, covering a wide range of economic activities ranging from oil and mining to promoting industrial activity in Iran and transportation and agricultural collaborations. China is a signatory to the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers such as Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.