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Israel does not ban Estonia from donating Spike ATGMs to Ukraine

Israel does not ban Estonia from donating Spike ATGMs to Ukraine

Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets stated that she is not aware of any barriers and that if such a prohibition existed, she would have discussed it with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Defence Minister Benny Gantz on May 2.

Israel does not ban Estonia from donating Spike ATGMs to Ukraine

According to the Jerusalem Post, Estonia purchased a huge quantity of Israeli armaments in the previous year, including more than 500 Spike anti-tank missiles and the Blue Spear missile system for coastal defence. Estonia has already supplied military and humanitarian help totalling €220 million since the start of the crisis in Ukraine. In terms of armaments, Estonia has previously given FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missiles and D-30 122mm howitzers and ammo.

Estonian Minister of Defence Kalle Laanet was in Kyiv on April 25, 2022, to show his support for Ukraine.

According to Kalle Laanet, Estonia is prepared to supply Ukraine with extra heavy weaponry and conduct training for the Ukrainian Defence Forces in using Western weapons.