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Israeli Elbit to Deliver Additional Hermes 900 UASs to Brazil

Israeli Elbit to Deliver Additional Hermes 900 UASs to Brazil

Israeli defence electronics company Elbit Systems will provide the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) with additional unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Hermes 900, said in a statement on Wednesday.

The contract has a 16-month performance period and has been awarded to the company’s Brazilian subsidiary AEL Sistemas. These are the medium-altitude long-endurance Hermes 900 aircraft, which have a massive payload carrying capacity of 350 kg.

Hermes 900 can perform various missions for area dominance and persistent ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance).

It can also be utilized for ground support, maritime patrol missions, and integrated multi-platform and multi-sensor operations.

Elbit did not disclose the financial details of the contract. The Hermes 900 has been selected to date by 12 countries.

For the past ten years, the Brazilian Air Force has been flying a mixed fleet of Elbit’s Hermes 900 and Hermes 450 UASs.