Hermes 900 News

Elbit to sell Hermes 900 UAS to Thai Navy
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Elbit to sell Hermes 900 UAS to Thai Navy

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced that it had been awarded a US$120 million contract to supply the Royal Thai Navy with Hermes 900 Unmanned Seaborne Systems.

 Israel’s Hermes 900 Wins in Thailand Amid Transparency Discussions
Unmanned Systems

Israel’s Hermes 900 Wins in Thailand Amid Transparency Discussions

The Royal Thai Navy has awarded Elbit Systems, an Israeli aerospace company, to provide seven Hermes 900 Kochav drones for $112.2 million. According to local media, the company's proposal for the southeast Asian nation's new maritime surveillance drones bested more than a dozen proposals from Turkiye, China, Israel, and the United States.

Israeli Elbit to Deliver Additional Hermes 900 UASs to Brazil
Unmanned Systems

Israeli Elbit to Deliver Additional Hermes 900 UASs to Brazil

Israeli defence electronics company Elbit Systems will provide the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) with additional unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),