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Israeli President: Bilateral Relations are Important for the Whole Region

Israeli President: Bilateral Relations are Important for the Whole Region

President Herzog remarked before the departure and said, “I am embarking on a state visit to Turkey at the invitation of President Erdoğan, with whom I have been in dialogue since I entered the Presidency. Israel-Turkey relations are important for Israel, important for Turkey, and important for the whole region. And for the first time in many years, there will be a visit to Turkey.

Israeli President: Bilateral Relations are Important for the Whole Region

Certainly, when the international order is being shaken, it is good and proper that stability and partnership be maintained in our region, and I emphasized this point during my visits to Greece and Cyprus in recent weeks and my conversations with leaders.

Israeli President: Bilateral Relations are Important for the Whole Region

We will not agree on everything, and the relationship between Israel and Turkey has certainly known ups and downs and not-so-simple moments in recent years, but we shall try to restart our relations and build them in a measured and cautious manner, and with mutual respect between our states.”

The last visit by an Israeli president to Turkey took place in 2007.