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Joint Electronic Warfare Exercise from Turkey and Azerbaijan

Joint Electronic Warfare Exercise from Turkey and Azerbaijan
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TURAZ Şahin 2021 (Turaz Falcon 2021) Exercise "Distinguished Observer Day" was held by the Turkish and Azerbaijani Air Forces at the 3rd Main Jet Base Command in Konya. Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and Azerbaijan counterpart General Zakir Hasanov, Turkish Chief of General Staff General Yaşar Güler, Azerbaijani counterpart Lieutenant General Kerim Veliyev, Turkish Air Force (TurAF) Commander General Hasan Küçükakyüz and Azerbaijan counterpart Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov attended the day.

Minister Akar said, emphasizing the close fraternal relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan, "We perceive the threats made against Azerbaijan as being made against us." He said, "We can never have any intention of violating someone"s borders in any way. However, we will never let anybody violate the rights and laws of ourselves, nor our friends and brothers, on land, at sea or in the air."Joint Electronic Warfare Exercise from Turkey and AzerbaijanAzerbaijani Defense Minister General Zakir Hasanov stated that the Azerbaijan Armed Forces gained great experience thanks to the increased exercises in the recent period. The exercises between the two countries armed forces will continue.Eight combat aircraft (F-16, Mig-29, Su-25 aircraft), Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft and air defence systems and many personnel participated in the exercise. Electronic warfare between Turkish and Azerbaijani air forces was practised.