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Lufthansa Wants its share from € 100 billion Programme

Lufthansa Wants its share from € 100 billion Programme

German aviation company Lufthansa wants its share of € 100 billion worth of armament Programme that the country will follow through its new defence division. Lufthansa subsidiary Lufthansa Technik (LHT) will be involved in the German defence programme and in more than maintenance and repairs. CEO of Lufthansa Technik Sören Stark said to German daily Handelsblatt, “We want to work on military, weapon-carrying systems.” LHT’s decision is based on the German government’s Programme to modernise the army with a budget of €100 billion. LHT wants to be responsible for repairs and maintenance of the 60 Chinook transport helicopters that Boeing supplies to the German military and the 30 F-35 fighter jets. The company also wants to help with the conversion of the NATO fleet. LHT has so far specialised in the maintenance and repair of civil aircraft. In the future, however, the company wants to take over the maintenance and repair of military aircraft and helicopters and convert aircraft in the defence sector. NATO has decided to replace the outdated fleet with a new E-7 aircraft from Boeing based on the 737, and CEO Stark continued. “We could also carry out the modification of the civil Boeing 737 to NATO E-7 aircraft in Hamburg in close coordination with Boeing.” The decision to also concentrate on the defence industry is not entirely new, Stark told the business newspaper. The decision was made in 2019. And yet, more recent global political developments play a role. Most recently, at the beginning of May this year, news linked Lufthansa Technik to the defence industry. LHT strengthened its defence division through a drone project with the Israeli manufacturer Elbit. The Lufthansa subsidiary will be responsible for maintenance, repairs, and personnel training, and Elbit will build the combat drone.