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Mines in the Black Sea to be Hunted

Mines in the Black Sea to be Hunted

Within the scope of the "Triple Initiative" initiated with Romania and Bulgaria under the leadership of Turkiye against the danger of mines in the Black Sea, the Black Sea Mine Countermeasures (MCM Black Sea) Task Group Memorandum will be signed.
In this context, Romanian Minister of Defence Angel Tilvar and Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Defence Atanas Zapryanov are expected to sign the memorandum of understanding with Minister of Defence Yaşar Güler.
It is noted that the group, intended to contribute to the safety of navigation in the Black Sea, was not formed against or as an alternative to any country or structure but was created only for defensive purposes.
With the Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group Memorandum, it is planned to establish a committee as the executive body of the initiative with the participation of the Naval Force Commanders of the parties and to hold meetings at least twice a year.
The initiative is expected to consist of a mine countermeasures ship and a command-and-control ship from each country, and operations will be carried out at least twice in six months in fifteen-day periods.
Following the signed memorandum, the task group is intended to be activated after going through the domestic legal procedures of all three countries.
The initiative in question will ensure maritime safety in the Black Sea and interrupt the aims of non-riparian countries' attempts to enter the Black Sea for "defence purposes", which would also violate the Montreux Convention.