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MKE Inc started the serial production of RDX, HMX and CMX

MKE Inc started the serial production of RDX, HMX and CMX

Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Inc. (MKE) started the serial production of RDX, HMX and CMX high energetical chemicals. The local production of chemicals increased the local production rate of high- explosives, rocket warheads and composite rocket fuels.

MKE Inc started delivering penetrating bombs (NEB) filled with raw materials produced at its Energetic Materials Production Facility this month. The Company delivered more than 100 penetrator bombs to the Air Force quickly.

The facility was opened last year with a ceremony that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended. The investment cost 25 million dollars and has an annual production capacity of 200 tons.

MKE Inc started the serial production of RDX, HMX and CMX

TÜBİTAK SAGE developed the first "penetrating bomb" to be used against the first reinforced concrete structures. The penetrating bomb, also known as the "Bunker buster", is designed to be used against the surface and underground targets.

MKE Inc started the serial production of RDX, HMX and CMX

NEB contains Multiple War Head Systems (MWS) technology. NEB has similar external geometry, guidance unit interfaces, mass, a centre of mass and inertia properties to MK-84 GPB. The penetrating bomb can be used with different guidance kits with its high penetration ability even at low impact speeds and angles. It can be used against high-value buried hard targets such as munition depots, underground petrochemical depots, bunkers, aircraft shelters, and command/control centres. The high fragmentation effect is used against surface targets such as aircraft runways, dams, bridges, and critical assets are the second type of typical targets. Radar antennas, stationary air Defence missile sites, industrial facilities, and parked aircraft are the third type of high-value targets.

NEB is certified for F4E/2020 and F16 fighting aircraft and has the potential to be dropped from all aircraft certified for MK-84 (2000 lb) GPB.