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National IFF Era in the Navy

National IFF Era in the Navy

The national Friend or Foe Identification System (IFF) is being incorporated into numerous naval platforms as part of the Naval Forces Command's most comprehensive modernization initiative. According to Anadolu News Agency, ASELSAN’s IFF Mod 5/S Naval Platforms Integration Project continues.

The IFF systems are integrated on Yavuz class frigates, Kılıç-II class fast attack crafts and Tuzla class New Type Patrol Boats. The port and sea acceptance tests are completed.

Platform inspection and analysis activities, platform integration design and production, interrogator control and display unit design and production, data adaptation units (radar, electronic warfare, power, platform data), mechanical adaptation units, combat management system integration, EMI/ EMC interaction analysis/tests, assembly/integration activities, user, maintenance, and assembly integration pieces of training are all performed within the scope of integration.

National IFF Era in the Navy

In 2018, the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and ASELSAN inked a contract to develop, mass-produce, and integrate IFF Mod 5/S transponder, short-medium-long-range interrogator, and integrated interrogator-transponder systems to fulfil the demands of Air and Naval Forces commands.

National IFF Era in the Navy

Within the contract framework, friend-foe identification and identification systems are created and given to security forces for use, allowing for the quick and accurate identification of friendly platforms conducting their responsibilities through questioning and answering techniques.

NATO militaries are moving to the newest friend-foe interrogation system, IFF Mod 5/S. Turkey creates one-of-a-kind solutions in this industry and incorporates them into its platforms. Compared to primary modes, IFF Mod 5/S offers greater characteristics such as longer-range interrogation, increased resilience to SIGINT, jamming and deception, high identification capabilities, and a national crypto device.

National IFF Era in the Navy

Turkish Air Force aircraft have bombed and sank TCG Kocatepe (D-354) Destroyer on 21 July 1974. Turkey was conducting a peace operation to rescue Turkish Cypriots from Greece and Greek Cypriot aggressors. Turkish pilots and captains established communication links but did not trust sailors believing that it was a Greek vessel.