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Raytheon's StormBreaker is one step closer to F-35 integration

Raytheon's StormBreaker is one step closer to F-35 integration

Paul Ferraro, Raytheon Missiles & Defence’s president of Air Power, said, “No other fielded air-to-surface weapon can accomplish what StormBreaker can against complex targets in contested environments.”


The two weapons, deployed within thirty minutes of each other, were released and performed the required flight behaviours during the tests. These two releases complete a seven-shot rate capture series, allowing the F-35B test program to proceed to weapon capability testing.


StormBreaker is equipped with a multimode seeker and multi-effects warhead, allowing for highly flexible and effective target engagement against moving and stationary targets up to 45 miles away. In addition, the weapon has a larger loadout than legacy munitions, allowing it to hit more targets per sortie.


In 2022, the US Air Force declared StormBreaker Initial Operating Capability (IOC) on the F-15E Strike Eagle. The integration roadmap for the program includes further expansion to additional manned and unmanned platforms, including the F/A-18 Super Hornet of the United States Navy.