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Roketsan’s Akya is in Turkish Navy Inventory

Roketsan’s Akya is in Turkish Navy Inventory
Roketsan first delivered AKYA Heavyweight Training Torpedoes to the Force. The training torpedo is inert. At the end of the fire, the torpedo surfaces on its own. It has also been revealed that a limited number of torpedoes were put into service as part of the Low rate initial production (LRIP) programme in December 2021.AKYA is entirely indigenous in design. The latest generation heavyweight torpedo is launched from submarines to combat various submarines and surface targets. It is a high-speed, long-range, completely autonomous or fibre optic wire-guided torpedo with an active/passive sonar homing head; AKYA uses wake homing guidance for surface targets.AKYA has an active/passive sonar head, with internal and fibre-optic wiring providing internal guiding. It employs wake guiding against surface targets.Roketsan’s Akya is in Turkish Navy InventoryTechnical Features
Range50+ Km
Speed45+ Knots
TargetSubmarines, Surface Vessels
GuidanceActive/Passive Sonar Head with Acoustic Counter- Countermeasure Capability and Wake Guidance
Guidance Mode

Self Guidance

On-board Guidance

Via fibre optic cable

FuseProximity / Impact
WarheadInsensitive Warhead with Underwater Shock Effect
Launch TypeSwim-Out
Propulsion SystemBrushless DC Electrical Motor + Counter-rotating Propeller System
BatteryHigh-Energy Chemical Battery