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The Cost of Going to Space Has Been Determined

The Cost of Going to Space Has Been Determined

Serdar Yıldırım, President of the Turkish Space Agency (TUA), spoke about the Agency’s activity at the Institute of Strategic Thinking invitation. Yıldırım remarked that as TUA, they are interested in utilising space for peaceful purposes and steering away from military concerns. In addition to explaining Turkey’s space aspirations, Yıldırım disclosed the details of the budget debate in Turkey’s Grand National Assembly.

Yıldırım added that the project on sending a Turk into space is still ongoing. This person would go to the International Space Station ISIS, remain for approximately a week, and do pre-planned research. He stated that the firm that would transport him to space must first be determined to discover the individual in the issue. TUA will propose two candidates for this position. One of the applicants will be given the same training as a substitute; according to Yıldırım, this training will last roughly six months. Yıldırım indicated that the person who would travel to space would not utilise a spaceship. They do not anticipate the person in question to be a soldier or a pilot, but rather a scientist.

The Cost of Going to Space Has Been Determined

In response to TurDef’s question about the TUA budget, which was discussed in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey’s planning budget commission, Yıldırım stated two budgets. One is for the Agency’s operating expenses and employee salaries. The other is approximately 1 billion 900 million TL, which sends Turks into space and makes a hard landing on the moon between 2022 and 2024.

Yıldırım also corrected reports that a spaceport planned for Turkey would be sent into space. He added that such experiments should be conducted near the equator, making it simpler to reach space. Yıldırım stated that Turkey does not have this characteristic but that Pakistan is eager to collaborate with Turkey.

President Yıldırım stated that the most significant shortcoming in space studies, Turkey later became part, is a lack of people. “We need staff skilled in the realm of space,” Yıldırım stated, adding that they are collaborating with institutions on this. Yıldırım stated that the United States has 270 thousand professionals working in space. However, this figure does not exceed “a thousand” in Turkey. Yıldırım underlined that Turkey trains some young scientists, and Nederland employs them. “This trend must be stopped,” Yıldırım said.