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The Long-Waited Agreement is Effective

The Long-Waited Agreement is Effective

The defence industry cooperation agreement was signed in Baku between Azerbaijan and Turkey on October 31st, 2017.

The Agreement aims to ensure cooperation in the defence industry"s field by improving the parties" defence industry capabilities through more effective cooperation in the fields of development, production, supply, maintenance, and related technical and logistic support of defence goods and services.

The Agreement contains;

To provide suitable conditions for joint research, development, production, and modernization of spare parts, tools, defence materials, military systems, technical demonstrations, and technical equipment needed by the Parties" Armed Forces.

To implement joint research, development and production projects of the parties in military equipment in the states" territory.

Sales of final products produced in the Parties" joint projects to Third Parties by mutual Agreement and taking into account the obligations of the Parties arising from national sensitivities and international regulations.

On April 1, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has met with a delegation led by the vice president of the Presidency of Defence Industries Mustafa Murat Şeker.

The Long-Waited Agreement is Effective