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The UK Orders NLAWs to Saab

The UK Orders NLAWs to Saab

The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence has agreed to and ordered the Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon system from Saab (NLAW). The order is worth approximately $280 million, and deliveries will take place from 2023-2026. The British Army will acquire “several thousand” missiles. NLAWs will be assembled at Thales’ facility in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

UK has already secured additional 500 NLAWs to be delivered to the UK in 2023 as part of a separate procurement deal.

The UK Orders NLAWs to SaabThe NLAW combines the ease of use of light anti-armour weapons with the benefits of heavy, crew-operated guided missile systems. A single soldier using NLAW can take out a heavily defended modern main battle tank at ranges ranging from 20 to 800 metres.

The UK Orders NLAWs to Saab