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The US Begins the Production of a New Javelin

The US Begins the Production of a New Javelin

The American joint venture JJV (Javelin Joint Venture) of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon has announced at AUSA that it will soon begin low-rate production of the new, lighter LWCLU (Light Weight Command Launch Unit) launchers of the FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank systems.

The new launcher is 30% lighter than the original, while the sensor it incorporates achieves better tracking, identification and detection performance. The LWCLU production contract was signed in June, and the first launchers are expected to be delivered in 2025. Raytheon announced in September that the JJV was awarded a $311 million production contract from the Army. According to Lockheed Martin, the JJV plans to increase the production of missiles from the current rate of 2,100 per year to around 4,000 per year by 2026.