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The USA to supply Soviet Era ammunition To Ukraine

The USA to supply Soviet Era ammunition To Ukraine

Ukraine has requested to buy various rounds of non-standard ammunition to include, but are not limited to, the following: 152mm rounds for 2A36 Giatsint; 152mm rounds for D-20 cannons; VOG-17 for automatic grenade launcher AGS-17; 120mm mortar rounds (non-NATO); 122mm rounds for 2Sl Gvozdika; BM-21 GRAD Rockets; 300mm rounds/rockets for MLRS "Smerch;" VOG-25 grenades for under-barrel grenade launcher GP-25; 82mm mortar rounds; 125mm HE ammunition for T-72; 152mm rounds for 2A65 Msta; transportation; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated program cost is $165 million. The DSCA has not mentioned the amount.

The USA to supply Soviet Era ammunition To Ukraine

Non-standard ammunition stands for the ammunition that is not used in the US military. Their production mostly started during Soviet times and continued after the collapse of the Union in separated countries. The prime contractor is not known yet.