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Togan has Termobaric Warhead Now

Togan has Termobaric Warhead Now

The joint work of TÜBİTAK-SAGE and Asis Guard has reached a new step. The 81 mm TOGAN ammunition developed by The Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) Defence Industry Research and Development Institute (SAGE) is at a new stage. SAGE released a video where Asis Guard’s Songar Armed Drone System releases TOGAN.

The first shot of TOGAN ammunition from SONGAR was announced in 2020. When compared to the two videos, it seems that this time a thermobaric warhead is used as this explosion is more powerful than before. SAGE made no explanation about the warhead. Based on the thermobaric explosive study of Tübitak SAGE, such warheads would not be unexpected.

Togan has Termobaric Warhead Now

TOGAN is an air-launched 81 mm ballistic near precision mortar weapon. It is also compatible with 81mm mortars in the inventory. It is also tested with TUSAŞ’s Hürkuş.

Songar is an indigenous drone system solution capable of transmitting real-time images within a radius of 10 km.