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TÜBİTAK-SAGE Presents New Guidance Kits: GÖKÇE and GÖZDE

TÜBİTAK-SAGE Presents New Guidance Kits: GÖKÇE and GÖZDE

SAGE, which currently produces Precision Guidance Kit (HGK) and Wing assisted Guidance Kit (KGK) kits, provides range increase and precision strike capability by making general-purpose bombs guided.

GÖKÇE and GÖZDE new generation guidance kits will have a laser seeker head with GPS/INS guidance system optional. They can be effective against moving land targets up to 70 km/h.

TÜBİTAK-SAGE Presents New Guidance Kits: GÖKÇE and GÖZDE

Institute Director Gürcan Okumuş stated in 2020 that they consider working on the motor added guidance kit. Although there is no information about the range of the bombs, the ability to hit moving targets up to 70 km strengthens this possibility.

The Boeing Company, the first to install a guidance kit in ammunition globally, mentioned the engine-powered version of the kit, which it called powered JDAM, in 2020. The plan was to increase the 28 km range of JDAM, which is an alternative to cruise missiles.

TÜBİTAK-SAGE Presents New Guidance Kits: GÖKÇE and GÖZDE