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Türkiye Appoints First Defence Industry Consultant to Azerbaijan

Türkiye Appoints First Defence Industry Consultant to Azerbaijan

Defence Industry Agency (SSB) altered its regulation in June 2022 to open new communication positions abroad. Nine countries were selected as the priority. The first assignment was made in Azerbaijan.

Turkish Ambassador to Baku, Cahit Bağcı, accompanied by Defence Industry Advisor İlker Turköz, visited Azerbaijani Defence Industry Minister Madat Guliyev.

Bağcı and Türköz.jpg

The consultants will carry out diplomacy activities in the country where they are assigned and in matters falling within the scope of the SSB, follow, report and evaluate the developments in the defence industry and related legislation in that country, and inform the SSB of the results.

The overseas organisation will represent the SSB in bilateral and multilateral international meetings and state institutions held in the defence industry in the country in question, follow up on the strategies and policies regarding the defence industry and carry out export permits, licenses, and government. It will monitor approval and similar processes and gather information about the tenders.

The overseas organisation that will explore opportunities for joint R&D, technology acquisition, product development, export to a third country and similar cooperation projects will contribute to developing and strengthening communication and cooperation between the two countries public and / or private institutions or organisations or companies.

The overseas organisation is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of bilateral agreements, protocols, and memorandums of understanding signed between the country of duty and the defence industry, carrying out foreign affairs and transactions among the responsibilities assigned to the SSB.

Defence industry consultants will work in the embassies of Qatar, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Oman, Bangladesh and the United Kingdom.