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Turkish Small Arms Exporter SYS at IDEF with M2 12.7

Turkish Small Arms Exporter SYS at IDEF with M2 12.7

Turkey has many small arms manufacturers, but some have proven their success in the export market. Samsun Yurt Savunma is known as one of the bestselling Turkish producers, and the market is designed with competitiveness. We have spoken with Gençay Gençer Corporate Communication and Business Development Manager.

SYS has presented itsCANiKM2 heavy machine gun, 12,7 mm gun pod, and CANiKMete 9 mm pistols at International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF). Mr Gençer talked about their new products as well as Mete and new versions, SFX Rival, TP9 SFX and TP)Sub elite CAS. You may hear more about CANiKproducts from the TurDef YouTube channel.