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Turkiye negotiates Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO

Turkiye negotiates Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO

While the negotiations and application processes on the subject were continuing, Bloomberg, one of the leading media organisations in the USA, met with three senior Turkish officials. The three Turkish officials, who kept their names confidential due to the sensitivity of the issue and who did not have the authority to speak, listed Ankara’s demands from NATO, Sweden, and Finland.

Turkiye negotiates Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO

Authorities note that before Sweden and Finland are admitted into NATO, the PKK terrorist organisation and all its derivatives should be declared terrorist organisations, and an active struggle should be carried out against terrorist organisation sympathisers in these countries.

Turkiye also demands the removal of sanctions against the defence industries and termination of arms embargoes applied to Turkiye. In addition, approval is expected for Turkiye’s participation in the F-35 program and the request for 40 F-16 Block 70 F-16 fighter jets and a modernisation package.

Turkiye negotiates Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO

According to the authorities, Turkiye also wishes to be removed from the CAATSA sanctions imposed on Turkiye. Sources state that a mistake like the re-admission of Greece to NATO cannot be repeated, and the problems must be resolved first.

At the same time, it is noted that the demands have nothing to do with domestic politics and act in Turkiye’s national interests.

The requests leaked to Bloomberg are a first. Turkiye’s demands so far have been limited to terrorist organisations and defence industry embargoes.