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U.S. Approves $1 Billion Saudi Blanket Order

U.S. Approves $1 Billion Saudi Blanket Order

The proposed training encompasses crucial subjects such as civilian casualty avoidance, laws of armed conflicts, and human rights. The deal strengthens military collaboration between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. in enhancing the Royal Saudi Air Force's (RSAF's) capabilities.

The State Department has greenlit a substantial Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, amounting to an estimated $1 billion. The Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) formally notified Congress of this potential sale today.

Saudi Arabia's request focuses on a comprehensive Blanket Order Training program within and outside its borders. The program spans various training categories, including flight training, technical training, professional military education, specialized training, Mobile Training Teams (MTTs), Technical Assistance Field Team (TAFT), Extended Training Service Specialists (ETSS), and English language training.

Covering a spectrum of training types, the program is facilitated by the U.S. Air Force or Department of Defence Agencies (DOD). It is designed to enhance the capabilities of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) and other Saudi forces. Specific subjects covered include civilian casualty avoidance, the laws of armed conflicts, human rights, command and control, and targeting. The training may be delivered through MTTs or broader Programs of Instruction (POIs).

The estimated cost of $1 billion encompasses program management, trainers, simulators, travel, billeting, and medical support, ensuring a holistic and effective training experience for Saudi Arabian military personnel. The approved FMS reflects the commitment to strengthening the defence capabilities and collaboration between Saudi Arabia and the United States.