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Ukraine gets Oleksiy Reznikov as New Defence Minister

Ukraine gets Oleksiy Reznikov as New Defence Minister

The Ukrainian Parliament Verkhovna Rada dismissed Andriy Taran from the post of defence minister on November 3. On the same day, President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted a motion to parliament on Reznikov's appointment to the post.President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy introduced newly appointed Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces General Staff.

Ukraine gets Oleksiy Reznikov as New Defence Minister

The President stressed that Oleksiy Reznikov had established himself as a professional in Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories.

The President also thanked former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Taran for his work.

"Andriy Vasyliovych Taran is a professional man, with which we have launched several very important defence programs for our army. This is both the missile program and the beginning of a program to rebuild the Ukrainian fleet," the President said.

The newly-appointed Minister of Defence Oleksiy Reznikov thanked the President for his support and noted that in the conditions of Russian aggression, the Ministry of Defense would do everything necessary to strengthen Ukraine"s defence capabilities.

"The Ministry of Defense is a civilian agency. Its task is to shape defence policy, ensure civilian democratic control, create conditions for the Armed Forces to perform its function effectively - to repel the enemy," said Oleksiy Reznikov.