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US Army ready to buy Russian-made AK-74 assault rifle

US Army ready to buy Russian-made AK-74 assault rifle

The US Army will acquire an unspecified number of AK-74 5.45 x 39 mm assault rifles. The US Army keeps various small foreign-made weapons for use by their special forces.

The need to buy the AK-74 was uploaded by the Combat Ammunition Systems Contracting Centre (ACC-NJ ), as quoted by The Drive. It stated that the US Army was looking for potential sources to supply the AK-74 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle and Support Parts on the contract website the upload was made on behalf of the Program Manager for Soldier Lethality (PMSL) and the Combat Capabilities Development Command-Armaments Center (CCDC-AC).

These weapons are commonly used in training to equip artificial enemy troops so that the implementation of the exercises can follow what the real enemy uses.