Belgium News

Belgium Acquires Two New ASW Frigates
Navy / Maritime

Belgium Acquires Two New ASW Frigates

Belgium decided to buy new anti-submarine warfare (ASW) frigates for the Belgian Navy to replace Karel Doorman-class ones.

Belgium Procures 120 AMRAAM
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Belgium Procures 120 AMRAAM

The State Department approved FMS to Belgium of AIM-120C-8 (AMRAAM) and related equipment for a total estimated cost of $380 million.

EDA's MHTC takes shape as Technical Arrangement is Signed
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

EDA's MHTC takes shape as Technical Arrangement is Signed

EDA announced that the Technical Arrangement (TA) defining the organisation, missions, and responsibilities of the MHTC was signed by 14 founding countries.

Airbus Delivers Delayed A400M to Belgium and Luxembourg

Airbus Delivers Delayed A400M to Belgium and Luxembourg

Airbus delivered a new A400M to the binational BNU A400M unit in Melsbroek on January 14th. The plane arrived in Belgium from Seville, Spain.

Belgium Meets with the SkyGuardians
Air Unmanned Systems

Belgium Meets with the SkyGuardians

Belgian Air Force shared the photos of new SkyGuardian MQ-9B UAVs that will be stationed at Florennes airbase.

Dutch Air Force to Patrol on Belgian Air Space

Dutch Air Force to Patrol on Belgian Air Space

Royal Netherlands Air Force takes over Belgium’s Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) duties after the F-16 grounding to perform QRA air-policing to cover up.

Belgian Air Force Grounds F-16 Fleet
Air Modernisation

Belgian Air Force Grounds F-16 Fleet

Belgian Air Force announced on February 11 that an F-16 aircraft had engine problems on take-off and landed immediately.